Disclaimer : This is a logic thought, based on my understanding of history, biology and society. If it matches with any work please consider it as co-incidence. If my article appears to be offensive (regarding any of the gender) please excuse me and highlight my mistake, I am waiting… Thank You.
In present scenario of society there is a wide spread debate over the "The Women" and their status. This is really a great time for women because men have now started to fight for the rights of women. But my argument is limited to the historical perspective, this article will deal only with 'at what time in history women lost the equal status and why'?
In present scenario of society there is a wide spread debate over the "The Women" and their status. This is really a great time for women because men have now started to fight for the rights of women. But my argument is limited to the historical perspective, this article will deal only with 'at what time in history women lost the equal status and why'?