Sunday, September 18, 2016

Killing of an Abstract noun : Whole world doing it wrong.

"The most difficult part of my job is to connect Iraq with war on terrorism".
- George W Bush. Today everyone know that USA and UK did this nasty war that changed the world and middle east for worst.

But my point is that how one can wage war on terrorism. What is a terrorism? Is it a man, women,
institution or a country? Answer is that no one knows even UN. UN has no definition for terrorism it is only perception that exists form objective point of view.

Those who spread terrorism, it is job for them; those who follow it, it's an idea for them; those who institutionalize it, it's a means for them to full fill their self interest.

Terrorism can be understood only by it's different component. Since the rise of ISIS as a caliphate and claiming to establish a country on historical grounds. It is now easy to understand it's different components.

Economy of terrorism:  

In a country one has to pay taxes on income, sales and profit. What it would be like to have a business who is immune from taxation along with it's rich consumer base. Terrorism is business for their leaders since Countries prop them, use them. Where they can't go legally they send their puppets. Buying arms and indeed a modern arms are not easy we know how much our nation spends. India have become largest importer of arms. But still police in states uses guns which were used in WWII. Think about the quantum if India being a $2 trillion economy can't afford arms as per their requirement how was Osama Bin Laden able to afford such massive cartel. It is not possible without generous contribution of state actor, business men of arms and armaments.
Terrorism is a full fledged underground economy having components of demand and supply.

Propaganda :

Indians were completely illiterate during early British Raj. There was nothing that religion can't persuade people to do. Sati Pratha, was a pure murder. Yet pople performed it with pride. But as India progressed, she produced progressive child Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Henry Vivan Darejio. They fought with it with the knowledge and determination. 

"First they will ignore you, then will laugh at you, then fight you, then you will win."

Similarly, terrorism has got a religious support. Few knowledgeable one who have ulterior motive, are teaching their version of interpretation of religious text. Since religion is glue that can stick largest number of people together. That's why they use it to have a large social base and source of sympathetic support. They draw illiterate, ill informed poor people and tech them what ever they want. Followers follow them with their heart and life as they think they are serving holy cause.

Another angle is that some people are fond of violence. Few case studies regarding ISIS showed that people are joining them because of Drugs, opportunity to kill and Sex Slaves. This is also a component which can only be addressed by proper education. 


"The best way to eradicate terrorism is simple one, stop promoting it."
Cut there funding they will disappear like a ghost in air. Countries are waging a war against terrorism. Terrorism has become an idea. Bullets can kill human not the idea. That's why.

"If you can not fight the existing model, then produce another model that makes earlier one obsolete."

Next model is definitely is a Cooperation for humanity. Climate change is rapid and threatening our existence. Use it as an opportunity to balance the imbalances. Remove the inequality bring equity. Share things with world so no one has to fight for it. Promote the feeling of Vasuhav Kutumbakam. Make the whole world a global village. So, don't wage war against terrorism, it is an abstract noun you can't kill it. 


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