India and Mongolia shares a historic cultural roots. In 12th
and 19th century many Mongolian Kings have declared themselves as Chacravatin Khan which shows how deeply
Indian and Mongolian sentiments are linked.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Story of Every Indian : The Constitution Of India
After 1939, it was very clear to British government that rule in India will no longer remain same. Since then history took various twist and turns and finally in June 3, 1947 it was announced that by the August 15, 1947 British rule would come to end. This long awaited event was not as rosy as we are glorifying. It was tragic and possibly the most unfortunate in the human history of India and Pakistan. It was the division of a nation in two dominion followed be massacre and riots whose scars are still fresh.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Treasure and Tribe conundrum
India is a land of migrants. This nation has faced many wars and invasion from Aryans to East India Company. All these influences have shaped the very nature and culture of the nation. Indians have always assimilated the foreign culture, but these influences were not always pleasing as we discussing. Every war brings victory, bloodshed and punishment, so do these invasions. When foreign powers placed their foot on the land of Indus river local population always resisted but lost at the end. Every defeat pushed the resisting people to other
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The Religion, The Culture : Modern obsessions or Political Trumps
The religion, i don't know what Oxford says about but i do know about what it means to me. History tells us about so many things about how people lived, learned, survived and evolved, but we can not see history in isolation we will have to have an holistic view about all pervasive aspects together to understand the situation.
By observing the Multi-Facets society and it's order, i can say that the form, we know religion today was not always present or was not it was meant for. I see religion as an "Order" of society to lead good, healthy, calm and peaceful life. For intense, "Surya Namaskar", is a way of worshiping as religion says. It is also a fabulous exercise. It helps to produce vitamin D through skin in presence of Sun Light. But when elders (in ancient time) taught his younger they told it as the way to please God Sun (May be). The information traveled a long time. We know when a communication travels long distance (in space or time) it deteriorates and fell short of some information. Possibly this is what happened to religion.
By observing the Multi-Facets society and it's order, i can say that the form, we know religion today was not always present or was not it was meant for. I see religion as an "Order" of society to lead good, healthy, calm and peaceful life. For intense, "Surya Namaskar", is a way of worshiping as religion says. It is also a fabulous exercise. It helps to produce vitamin D through skin in presence of Sun Light. But when elders (in ancient time) taught his younger they told it as the way to please God Sun (May be). The information traveled a long time. We know when a communication travels long distance (in space or time) it deteriorates and fell short of some information. Possibly this is what happened to religion.